Car Transport Services

For our commercial clients we can offer a specialist vehicle collection and drop off service. Our customers enjoy the benefits of having our transport vehicle arrive on site, we will load up the vehicles, bring them back to our facility, refurbish the wheels and when complete drop the vehicles...

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Buckle Repair/Aqua-Blasting

Buckle Repair Buckled rims are usually the result of driving on poorly surfaced or weather damaged roads. Pot holes are the number one culprit of this type of damage. They are unfortunately a very common problem on the roads of Ireland and cost drivers millions of euro every year. Buckled Rims...

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SMART Repair

Need your alloy wheels refurbished but just can’t seem to find the time to bring your vehicle to our state of the art facilities? No problem, let our state of the art facilities come to you! We have a special mobile unit that boast all of the same processes and procedure we use at our

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Mobile Diamond Cutting

Mobile Diamond Cutting

Over the last number of years we have noticed a significant increase in cars fitted with diamond cut alloy wheels. As beautiful as these wheels are there is a down side to them. That is when these wheels get damaged the equipment required to repair them is specialised and very expensive...

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